Where do I start?

If you know you are ready to stop struggling and Start Living Everyday the Life You Would Love and Deserve, then listen up, because this invitation is for you.

Let Me Hand You A Simple, Paint-By-Numbers Spiritual Success System That Will Do Just That

... And SO Much More!

Are You Ready To Immerse Yourself In An Incubator of INSPIRATION So You Can Unplug From Your Life And (Finally!) Listen Deeply To What You Would Really Love?

I’ve Got You Covered!

Let Me Hand You A Simple, Paint-By-Numbers Spiritual Success System That Will Do Just That...And SO Much More!

Join me in Tucson, October 10-12 for my in-person, “YOUR ULTIMATE LIFE NOW! Live”

3 Day Event.

Come spend 3 days with me to explore infinite possibilities for you and your life!

You know you are meant for so much more and NOW more than ever, you want to help. You are compelled to share and contribute.

Yet, it feels even scarier to do this at this point in time.

There is so much fear and doubt and uncertainty in our world right now and it feels like the sensible thing to do is to hunker down and wait it out.

I encourage you to consider a different alternative.

Consider that NOW is the time more than EVER for you to courageously take a stand for your dream and the people you are meant to help.

You have a dream and you know that dream can make a difference in the lives of so many other people.

In fact, the very reason that you tell yourself to not go for your dream is the very reason for you to do it!

The world needs you to live your big, bold dream because it is the way you will make the difference you are created to make.

The good news is, I have been helping people create lives that they love for DECADES!

During this TRANSFORMATIVE event you will...

  • Discover spiritual tools so you can bring your dream into your reality.

  • Learn a system of transformation so you can become the person you are meant to become and live the life you are meant to live.

  • Learn to listen more deeply to your own intuition so you can hear the constant guidance and inspiration.

  • Connect with an amazing community of likemind people who are committed to their calling just like you.

    Now is your time! Let’s get you living the life you desire and deserve.

    Grab your spot now!

  • You have a passion for personal growth and have studied the law of attraction and universal law, but you’re frustrated and can’t find the missing piece to make it work for you.

  • You’re intelligent, highly motivated, and deeply committed, taking action even, but then something or someone comes along and distracts you or forces you to hit pause, causing your success to stall out.

  • You long for more information and the spiritual perspective on universal law and creating your ultimate life.

  • You’ve got a great life compared to most - yet something is missing. And perhaps feel guilty for wanting more.

  • Sometimes you wonder if you should just be grateful, accept the life you have, and move on.

  • You are tired of incremental growth and the extreme effort it’s taken so far.

  • You have a good life on the outside, want for nothing, yet, there’s a strong desire for more-purpose, fulfillment, joy, and life.

  • You feel a pressing weight and an emotional toll of not living the life you know you were meant for.

Did you say Yes to ANY of these?
Then, you HAVE to attend this event!

Is your dream waiting for you?

Listen to what our past attendees had to say....

Why Retire?


And I didn't even realize that I didn't have compassion for who I was and I am so much farther ahead than I was.

And I'm not that person anymore but yet decisions that I made back then were running my life.

And I just didn't even know that I didn't even know. So being enlightened in that way and then understanding that when that thought or that way of being shows up, that I can interrupt it and I can go, Oh, that's that again.

And then I can shift it so that it actually serves me much better now to the vision that I have now and understand that so that's that's the biggest thing for me.

Learning at a deeper level...


I'm a naturopathic medical doctor that owns my own online business.

I've learned these concepts before of science and money mindset and these different tools and I think the mind almost wants to write them off because it's like, I've heard this before.

This doesn't work, but it's more like I'm learning them at a deeper level and I'm starting to know them, meaning like know them with my full mind and my full heart and to actually understand it.

A Supportive Community for Transformation


When you decide to work with Felicia, know that you are fully supported.

You're gonna feel her arms wrapped around you, us in the community.

You're gonna know that you're not alone.

The biggest thing I learned from Felicia that she taught me was that it was about the inner work....

Until we do the inner work, you're not going to have the success that we want.

You're not going to have the dream fully realized, fully expressed, fully... There in your life.

Energy, Attraction, Authenticity


She was saying things different than I had heard from other people before. And I wanted some of that. So, I came to this event and did a few classes with Zuman with her.

And then I was able to come back live with her here in Tucson for three full days. And from the first moment until the last moment, I felt that exact same energy, attraction, authenticity and that she was going to be able to teach me things I had no idea about.

And even in these first three days, my mind is so expanded. I feel so great and I know over the next year, things are going to be phenomenal in my life.

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